Trend Breakdown: Drop Culture in the cpg industry


Consumers are curating a social image for status seeking purposes.


CPG brands fabricate rarity (and status) to drive sales.


HypeBeast Oreo = Supreme

Pre-Workout of the Month = Alpha Lion

Cola-Cola Creations = The Coca-Cola Company

KitKat Creations = The Hershey Company

Seasonal & Limited Edition Flavors = Aura Bora

Crucial Takeaways

  1. The entire distribution model is designed to get consumers excited. If you’re lucky, you might be able to get your hands on it.

  2. It’s all about determining what customers want and tapping into the urgency of that desire.

  3. Usage of drop culture in the CPG industry doesn’t have to only be product-centric.


The instant gratification of everything today is driving the popularity of tomorrow’s drop culture. CPG brands will increasingly lean into limited edition products as a way to create buzz and stand out for new consumers and make loyalists fall in love all over again.


  1. CPG brands understand demand planning and pricing strategies through a particular lens. LTOs usually create unmet demand and resellers with access can create margin.

  2. To get early access to attractive drops, consumers will be more apt to provide emails, phone numbers, and/or downloads.

  3. Humans respond to stories because they cultivate emotion and a sense of togetherness. Make sure to intertwine stories into the creation of these LTOs.

Additional Knowledge Bombs


A Spotify secret can unlock value for cpg brands


Trend Breakdown: Audience-First CPG Products